Millennial Corporations let you start or grow your own business in such a way that you can:
- Have no start-up costs
- Scale your business up at whatever pace you want, without any growing pains
- Leverage your competitors’ strengths to achieve success
- Increase your profits by “doing the right thing” and avoiding questionable practices
- Achieve your objectives in a fraction of the time it takes others
- Magnify your successes by replicating them at will
- Be in the top 10% of your field, guaranteed
- Defy “conventional wisdom” and achieve better results
- Do all of the above by applying your personal knowledge and strengths to the Millennial Corporation formula for success
Whatever idea you wish to pursue, you will be supported 100% by your own energies, your mentor’s commitment, and proven procedures for doing business in the 21st century. Not all ideas make it to market, but your idea will evolve until it becomes market-worthy.
How can the Millennial Corporation model offer you such dramatic opportunities?
- Traditional businesses “invest” money with little guarantee of return. Millennial Investment principles require that all micro-investments provide at least some equity at each step of the way.
- 20th century synergy was defined as 1 + 1 = 3. 21st century synergy is defined as 10 for me and 10 for you = 100 for us.”
- Veteran millennialists truly understand The Law of Abundance: that there is more than enough wealth in the world (even within narrowly defined markets) for everyone to achieve their greatest ambitions.
- Hoarding money reduces returns. Millennial principles allow money to travel faster, bringing back returns faster.
- The 20th century mentality is “get a job.” The 21st century mentality is “pursue your passions.” Those who just do their job are competing against everybody else. Those who pursue their passions stand out as the best in class and attract others who are best in class.
- Co-opetition is more than a buzzword. It is a mathematical procedure for getting the most out of cooperation, with just a touch of competition. You work closely with your trusted partners, not strangers. Your partners will compete to get ahead faster than you, but you all will reach your destinations. This is perhaps the greatest secret: Your mentor is invested in your future. Your mentor wants you to succeed. Competition becomes a non-issue. You will succeed as fast as you choose to succeed.
- Malcolm Gladwell speaks of The Tipping Point in his book of the same name. If enough things are going in the same direction, sooner or later things tip in your favor. Millennial principles throw so much force in the same direction that success—in one form or another—is virtually guaranteed.