This concept is actually not new. Throughout time, individuals have acted as though they were larger than they really were. Recognize that you can accomplish anything that you can tell your close associates to accomplish. That is, a Millennial Corporation is a virtual corporation.
Employees of a Millennial Corporation can not only shape their job, but they can also shape their entire future. The Millennial Corporation looks at each person’s personal goals and commits to helping that individual to achieve them all. If the employee wants to create a new focus at the company, that employee can become director of the entire enterprise, researching and cultivating the market, and locating experts to make it happen. In this manner, the company truly operates at the speed of its employees’ thoughts.
For customers and partners, this means a type of responsiveness that is rare in the industry. A Millennial Corporation has no underlying agenda to slow things down. Its only purpose is to be responsive to its customers, partners, and employees, locating and hooking up the talent to make things happen.
If I have seen further than [others], it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants. —Sir Isaac Newton
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